Birth Date Calculator - completely free to use!

How much time has passed since your birth date?

Here at Chittak we hope you find this interesting, and useful!

At present this is operating with UK date format "dd/mm/yyyy", if you would like to see some additional functionality, please let us know via:

You can enter either a past date or today's date for total days since birth, if you enter a future date you will get the number of whole days until the expected birth date!

Link to LinkedIn Palindromic Birth Date article: 12th Feb 2021

Or enter your own date here:

Please Note: no data is stored, captured in the use of this free calculator by Chittak Limited (© 2021)

Extra background on dates from a software angle!

Dates seem simple at first, but making dates robust can quickly run into multiple issues:

  • Which calendar system?
  • Which date general format? e.g. dd/mm/yyyy (UK), mm/dd/yyyy (USA), yyyy-mm-dd (some computer systems)
  • Which specific date format i.e. with leading zero's (01) or without leading zero (1)
  • Where is the date going to be used, logging, presentation data
  • Millemium bug... systems that only store two digits for the year data!

This all gets more complex and potential for error when you add in the concept of time with a date.

  • Is timezone important now or possibly in the future?
  • Is the data recorded with the timezone declared or associated.
  • Is the data recorded all in the same timezone, if it isn't declared? (it happens even just with UK data as systems operate in BST and GMT at times)
  • Ideally recording time in UTC for constitant data is a good start.
  • Having geo lat,long or similar data to localise time as experienced.

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